
Transcript of gubernatorial recall debate

September 24, 2003

Page 13

because their daddy went there, like our president did. We don't have a colorblind society when you have minorities, especially African-Americans in this state, who have a much bigger chance of getting into jail than getting into college. We don't have a colorblind society when there's one-third more uninsured Latinos than whites. We don't have a colorblind society when minorities are more likely to be in dysfunctional schools with teachers who lack certification and with no textbooks.

MODERATOR: Thank you. For clarification of 54, and she did a rather good version of what 54 is. Proposition 54 does prohibit the state of California from collecting most race-related data.

HUFFINGTON: That's not what I said.

MODERATOR: Am I debating? Can we hear from Arnold Schwarzenegger on this? Let's get in on this one, gang.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that it's very important that we preach and practice tolerance, equality for everyone, and it starts with education. This why I got involved with after-school programs in the inner cities. I started the Inner City Games after-school programs that are now nationwide and we are reaching out to 200,000 children because I feel very strongly that the kids in the inner cities get disadvantaged, with education especially. Just recently, our governor and Cruz Bustamante has cut $122 million of textbooks for inner-city schools, which is unfair. (Interrupted, unintelligible) It's the same administration, it's the same mold. Don't tell me otherwise. Let me just tell you, we need to make sure that our kids get great education everywhere, and this is what I'm fighting for. It's the same thing in the job market. The people have to have the same right for work and the same kind of opportunities. Right now, for instance, we have a 6.6 percent unemployment rate in California. We have an increase of unemployment amongst women, 25 percent, among Hispanics, 20 percent, and amongst African Americans, 45 percent. Where is the equality here? We need to fight for equality, and I will fight for it when I'm governor. I think the governor sets the tone on that. We need equality here in this state.

MODERATOR: Thank you Mr. Schwarzenegger. I know that Cruz Bustamante wants a piece of this. Go ahead.

BUSTAMANTE: Arnold, I know that you probably don't know, but I'm the author of the textbook bill. During the entire time I was in the Legislature, I fought for textbooks for schools. In the last year I was in the Legislature, we got $1 billion for textbooks in schools. Because everybody had their great ideas about reforming schools and I went to schools and I didn't see textbooks. And so my great reform was to try and make sure that every kid in California had updated textbooks. I know you probably wouldn't know that...

SCHWARZENEGGER: Just so you know, you guys cut out $122 million dollars, and the ACLU has sued the Los Angeles Unified School District because they have no toilets there that are flushing, paint is peeling off. If you call this equality in education, I think it is outrageous. You know what you guys do, you politicians...

BUSTAMANTE: Yes, Arnold, go ahead.

SCHWARZENEGGER: You go into the classroom, you do the photo op. You do the photo op, and then you leave and we may never see you again.

BUSTAMANTE: You're one to talk about photo ops, Arnold.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I'm providing the after-school programs, Cruz, and you know that.

HUFFINGTON: Hold on a second. Let me just counter that. You said that you were providing after-school care. You know, you're crowning achievement, the passage of Proposition 49,

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